November 28, 2010

Aiv biin tu Sviiden traiss nau


On a peaceful wednesday evening, Mariann, an old classmate phoned me up and asked if I'd like to go to Sweden the next day. Jag tänkte på det lite and decided to go.

So, the ship left Tallinn 18:00 on thursday. Most of my classmates from Pärnu were there, a bit shy at first(since I'm a weird guy with facial metal now), but friendly as ever. That until about 21:00, by then me, Mariann and Triin were possibly the only sober people on the ship. Forreal. People drank, we walked around and talked. Most of the drinkers were passed out by one or two, so I decided to get some sleep as I was tired and bored as hell....didn't really work out. Stared at the ceiling until about 4, had a lot on my mind.

At 10:00 on friday we arrived at Stockholm. SHIT it was cold... I only had a pair of Chucks and socks on my feet, which got cold in like 10 seconds. At first, we took a bit of a guided tour through the city central and the old town, and then I went my own way. I was headed to Calm Bodymodifications, so I had to walk through the old town, saw a sci-fi bookstore and took a step in. Eyes across the room. True Blood imagery. Quick footsteps. Grabbed a book ("Dead Until Dark", the book the series is based on), paid for it and asked for directions to Södermalm.

About 15 minutes of walking and quiet swearing(FUCK it was cold) later, I arrived at Calm, probably saw the most modified people I've ever seen with my own eyes and bought a 2.4mm circular barbell for my septum. Titanium. DAYUM it's nice, the endings are rounded out for easier insertion, it doesn't weigh ANYTHING and looks good.

Next up, GOODSTORE. It's a nice little vegan shop on Skånegatan, got some burgers, hot dogs and a bar of fairtrade vegan peppermint chocolate (I heart) from there.

Then I headed back to the old town, asked Sanna's dad where he had gotten a piece of TB nerdgear and visited a place called Comic Heaven. THEY HAD TRUE BLOOD BEVERAGE.

After that I went to T-Centralen, met up with the others and had a veggieburger at an Italian place. Back to the ship, it was pretty much the same as the night before-other people drinking heavily, passing out, me not being able to sleep much.

On saturday we got back at 10:00, I rushed home and then to the Rocca Al Mare school, where I did live sound for an event with 5 bands. Good money.

On sunday (today) me and the male side of my family went to the forest to take down some trees for firewood....thanks to which I have serious back pains (not the usual kind) now.

Oh, also, I got my ears up to 22mm meanwhile. Good times.
Thumbs up(or, thumbs through?)!

I don't need no pencil case (I should go to school like this, make my parents proud and all).

Bye, my loyal followers (because there's like a shitload of you)!

November 22, 2010


Aaaah... You can just smell the hate in this thread, can't you`?
Anyway, the shitty blogger I am, I should for once write a longer text, so here we go..
I've been surrounded by people using (and, sometimes, abusing) alcohol since I was a kid. It's something that's considered normal in my family, for example, I got a bottle of beer (threw it away shortly after) for my 15th birthday from my uncle. Since my last contact with alcohol was when I was about 14, I'm being considered the weirdo in my family. The one that doesn't smoke, drink or even think of doing drugs. Every mother's dream, huh? Not really (might also have something to do with my affection of poking additional holes into my body).
I feel very uncomfortable when it's a family member's birthday and people are drinking. I mostly leave the table as soon as possible, and thereby get looked down upon. My grandmother thinks I hate her because she uses alcohol almost daily as a painkiller.
I'd be ok with sitting behind the same table with them, if they wouldn't CONSTANTLY comment on my lifestyle and offer me a shot of vodka for example, they know very well that I won't accept it and am insulted by such things. And yet..

I don't drink because I choose not to. I choose not to knowingly pour poison down my throat, knowingly make my body and mind numb. Why? Because, even if I don't like my life at certain points, I wouldn't want to give away the ability to percieve everything as it is. I don't want to be able to NOT think straight. If I did drink, I'd be haunted by myself, of not being able to trust my own decisions.
Also, alcohol costs money. I'm not that much of a materialist, but I'd better spend my earnings on something I need.

People have asked me; if it were up to me, would I ban alcohol?
No. Why? Because as long as there is demand, there is supply. It'd make undercover business bloom like never before, people are used to using alcohol and don't see it as the drug it really is. I mean, weed is illegal and yet almost half of the young people I know smoke regularly. Sad but true.

I'll probably edit this post some time later to add thoughts, for me this really isn't something I can squeeze out in one go.

So long, duckers!

November 20, 2010


Chocolate pudding o' chocolate pudding
How I adore thy taste!

Hi, Siki

November 16, 2010


Hiya. I haven't posted anything in quite some time, I've even had people complaining about it(Hi, Laura!), so here we go.

This last weekend was the busiest I've had in a while.
It started on Saturday, I had a show in the morning and after that I rushed to the anti-fur-industry parade. There weren't many people but we did have loud voices.

This is us, talking to an ubers-mart guy (His main argument: "You guys are stupid! Fur is WARM!"), he stood his ground. We would've argued for even longer, but the police told us to move along.

Shortly after the parade I headed to Rock Cafe Tallinn, which held Estonia's biggest tattoo/bodymod convention yet. There was a shitload of people, a shitload of tattoo artists and a shitload of good and bad tattoos. Siki joined me after a while, and we watched our tattooist getting suspended.

Me and Siki in a moment of suspense (I'm terrible with puns..:( ).

Kat lookin' all hooked (kill me now, thank you.).
Click that name like a boss

Speaking of suspensions, seeing a good friend on hooks made me wonder.. I've been wanting to get suspended for a while now, and she really helped with the inspiration. I met the only person in Estonia organizing suspension events, chatted with him for a while, and now am almost certainly a part of Estonia's first suspension/mod performance crew. He's going to organize a suspension event soon, and it might be my first time flying!
Apparently, I was the first person in Estonia to know what "Bmxnet" on his shirt meant. So, yeah, HUGE personal success society-wise.

Sunday was relatively uneventful, at least the parts I'm planning on telling you guys about.

On monday(I consider this weekend since I have mondays off work), I read a book. I read a book, voluntarily, first time in years-I used to read ALOT when I was a kid, seriously, I had read about 1/5th of the school library by the age of 12.
Anyway, the book was called "Hunger Games", was written by Suzanne Collins and was FUCKING AWESOME.
I haven't been this captivated by anything in years. It was very, very difficult to put this one down to even go to the toilet, and the pages just flew by. Now I'm hunting on the second book of the trilogy, the third one hasn't been translated into Estonian yet, but that's no problem. It's probably even better in English.

I reccommend this to EVERYONE and thank Liisa and Sandra for telling me about it.

I apologize for stealing photos and hope noone plans to shoot me.
I'm planning on translating an essay I wrote recently in school and posting it here, and also a text about my views on drug use, so stay tuned!
That's it for today, I'm out.

November 04, 2010

Nine Inch Nails

You can have my isolation
You can have the hate that it brings
You can have my absence of faith
You can have my everything

I am the bullet in the gun
I am the truth from which you run
I am the silencing machine
I am the end of all your dreams

Trent Reznor is able to express things going on inside my head better than me.

November 01, 2010

Septum at 2.4mm!

Ok, I had been waiting for this to happen for a long while now. The jewellery I ordered still hasn't gotten here, so I fixed up a temporary pincher by taking a BCR and widening it slightly with pliers.
Ok, had two sterilized stretching pins, a petri dish with Asept and the jewellery in it and some lube.

Fifteen seconds later, OW. I had no idea it would hurt so fucking bad, and I was only halfway through the first (2mm) taper.. In about five cycles of pushing the taper slightly forward and then assuming the lotus position because it hurt so fucking bad, I asked the piercer to push that one and the other one as well through in one go. Yes, it stung, but it was still way better than doing it myself. Lesson learned. Now I have a new shiny, and I'm very, VERY happy about it. Also bought a new, bigger ball to go with the colour of the new jewellery (I have mismatch issues.)

Now for some tea and Nine Inch Nails.